Co-parent Counselling

Co-Parenting sessions consist of child-centered meetings with both parents to establish a child-centered relationship which ultimately benefits the child. It is an arrangement where both parents share responsibility for raising their children that resembles and functions like a “business”, in a spirit that promotes growth, co-operation and healing.

Co-Parenting counselling permits co-parents to discuss issues ranging from custody schedules to day-to-day parenting. Firm boundaries are established when discussion begins to drift from parenting issues to either personal or mental issues that need to be kept separate for the child’s sake.

The process can be seen as an educational one for the sole purpose of discussing child centered issues. We would like to help parents unburden their children by learning to better handle their own emotions and to strengthen their ability to be less triggered by their former partner.

What Co-Parenting is not:

  • Gathering of legal documentation to use in a legal process
  • A forum to hurt and insult the other parent
  • Changing custody arrangements
  • A session for parents who cannot tolerate sitting together in a room, who are hostile and cannot contribute constructively to a dialogue